Privacy Policy

Figure it out book (herein referred to as “Figure it out book”, “we”. “Us” or “Our”) owns, operates and maintain the website (“Website” / “Platform”).Figure it out book offers curated and specially designed content and programs to promote entrepreneurship. In order to deliver the Programs in an efficient manner and to make available the Website, Figure it out book collects certain information regarding the User. Figure it out book values the trust placed by Users and therefore, we follow the highest standards to protect your Personal Information

This Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) describes how we collect, use, update, delete and share information about our users (hereinafter referred to as “User”, “you” or “your”) through our Platform. Please review our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy (collectively referred to as the “Terms”) that govern the use of the Platform and the Programs. This Privacy Policy shall form a part of the Terms by way of reference. All capitalised terms not defined in this Privacy Policy have the respective meanings set forth in the Terms of Use. This Privacy Policy applies only to the part of the Platform provided by Figure it out book , and we are not responsible for the practices of persons, companies, institutions or websites that Figure it out book does not control, manage or employ.

User shall mean and include any person/persons, who visits, uses, deals with and/or transacts through the Website and includes a guest user and browser. In circumstances where the User is less than 18 years of age, consent from the legal guardian shall be required and it is advised that this policy be read in the presence of the legal guardian.

We take care and perform due diligence to ensure privacy aspects of each and every individual who interact with our Platform, by design and by default, in alignment with all applicable laws and regulations.

Please understand that by using our Platform or submitting any Personally Identifiable Information (defined below) to us, you consent and agree that we may collect, use, update, disclose and retain your information (including but not limited to your Personally Identifiable Information) in accordance with this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use, and as permitted or required by law. Figure it out book reserves the right to share the information collected hereunder with its own affiliates. In the event of sale or transfer of all or a portion of our business assets, consumer information may be one of the business assets that are transferred as part of the transaction. If you do not agree with these Terms, then please do not provide any Personally Identifiable Information to us. If you refuse or withdraw your consent, or if you choose not to provide us with any required Personally Identifiable Information, we may not be able to provide you with the services that can be offered on our Platform.

This Policy has been drafted in accordance with the applicable data protection laws, rules and regulations but not limited to General Data Protection Regulation, 2018 (“GDPR”), the Information Technology Act, 2000 (“IT Act”) and the Information Technology (Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures And Sensitive Personal Data or Information) Rules, 2011 (“IT Rules”), collectively referred to as “Data Protection Laws”

1. Information Covered By This Privacy Policy

Some of our Platform’s functionality may be used without revealing any personal information, though for features or services related to the Programs, personal information is required. If you do not use these specific features or services on the Platform, then the only information we collect will be “Non-Personal Information” (i.e., information that cannot be used to identify you). Non-Personal Information includes information like the web pages that you have viewed. In order to access certain features and benefits on our Platform, you may need to submit “Personally Identifiable Information” (i.e., information that can be used to identify you). Personally Identifiable Information can include, but not be limited to, information such as your name, email address, contact number (cellular and landline), educational qualification(s), Aadhaar number, PAN, social security and tax identification numbers, and post-qualification or work experience among other things. You are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the Personally Identifiable Information you submit to Figure it out book. Inaccurate information may affect your ability to use the Platform, the information you receive when using the Platform, and our ability to contact you. For example, your email address and contact number should be kept valid because these are the primary channels through which we communicate with you.

2. Information Collection

Non-Personal Information

When you come to our Platform, we may track, collect and aggregate Non-Personal Information indicating, among other things, which pages of our Platform were visited, the order in which they were visited, when they were visited, and which hyperlinks were “clicked.” We also collect information from the URLs through which you connected with our Platform. Collecting such information may involve logging the IP address, operating system and browser software used by each user of the Platform. Although such information may not be considered Personally Identifiable Information, based on local laws, we may be able to determine a user’s Internet Service Provider and the geographic location of his or her point of connectivity from an IP address. We collect Non-Personally Identifiable Information from the Platform visitors to track the total of number of visitors on the Platform in aggregate form and to identify the type of Internet web browser (e.g., Internet Explorer®) and operating system (e.g., Windows®) used by them. This information allows us to continuously improve our Platform and services.

Personally Identifiable Information

Personal Identifiable Information, you share with Figure it out book shall have a meaning derived from the definition of ‘Personal Information’ or ‘Personal Data’ as per respective Data Protection Laws applicable to you.

The information provided by you is used only in accordance with purpose described in the Policy. We collect through our Platform, or through third-party platforms being used by us, the information that you provide to us when you sign up for information updates or Programs, participate in our public forums, avail our chat room services, send you emails, call you, participate in online or offline events, and/or receive other services on or through our Platform or through any of Figure it out book’s or its’ offline activities. This information may include, among other things, your name, postal address, email address, contact number, social security or tax identification numbers, login credentials (in the case of registered users), educational qualification(s), salary information, working goals, post-qualification experience, and photographs. We collect demographic information such as your gender, socio-economic status, and other similar personal information. In the case of scholarships, refunds or referrals, we will collect your bank account information. Other than this, we do not collect any of your financial information, and all payments are processed by third-party payment gateway providers.

We collect this information in a number of ways, including when you enter it while using our Platform, interact with our customer support, or participate in our surveys, or marketing promotions.

Figure it out book , or its and third-party service providers, may, for instance, collect certain information from you in conjunction with assignments, exams and other assessments related to the online course. For example, as part of a proctored exam for a course, Figure it out book (or its third-party service providers) may collect certain Personally Identifiable Information from you in order to (a) verify or authenticate your identity or submissions made by you, such as a signature for a test or an assignment log, a photograph or a recording of you (e.g., using a webcam) or information included on a photo identification card or document, or (b) monitor your performance during an exam to confirm that you are abiding by the applicable test rules or requirements (e.g., confirming that you are not using prohibited resources). Figure it out book may also collect information from you or about your performance or your accomplishments, such as quiz/exam scores, grades, project evaluations, teacher evaluations and other evaluations of your performance or accomplishments.

Should you need any financial assistance, Figure it out book may recommend certain third-party credit facility providers. Should you opt to sign up with such credit facility providers, any information you provide to them will be governed by their terms of use and policies, as you would be their direct customer. Please note, Figure it out book does not control, manage or regulate such third-party providers.

Other Information

Other forms of information that we may collect from you or about you are as follows:

  • Information about your interactions with customer service and maintenance interactions with us