Around the world, the political landscape is undergoing dramatic transformations through recent elections.


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Crown Dependencies of Isle of Man, Jersey, Guernsey have their own legislative bodies and conduct their own elections Separate from UK General Elections.

The British Overseas Territories also do not participate in UK General Elections. These Territories include regions such as Bermuda, The Falkland Islands and Gibraltar and British Virgin Islands among other territories do not have representation in UK Parliament and hence don’t vote in UK.

General elections instead these territories have their own local government conduct their own elections for their respective legislative bodies. Like other British Overseas Territories the BIOT (British Indian Ocean Territories) Operates under Its own administration and does not take part in UK General Elections but its administration of itself is not in the traditional sense as 

Administration of BIOT : -

  1. UK Governance : - Administered directly by UK Government by a Commissioner appointed by British Government and Commissioner Reports to Foreign, Commonwealth and Development office (FCDO) in the UK.
  2. Military Presence : - The Primary Presence Particularly of Diego Garcia is Military for Both UK and USA. The Military Facilities and Operations are the main activities in the Island.
  3. Legal Frame work : - Laws applicable to BIOT are enacted by UK Government through Orders in Council a type of Legal Instrument used by UK Monarch on the Advice of the Privy Council. Local Issues are managed directly by UK Government and Military Authority thus the appointed officials manage it as a Strategic Location.

The UK general election held on July 4, 2024, resulted in a significant shift in the political landscape. Here are the comprehensive results party-wise, including both the percentage of vote share and the number of MP seats won

Key Outcomes :

  • Labour: Achieved a landslide victory, marking the first Labour majority since 2005.
  • Conservatives: Suffered their largest defeat in modern history, losing significant ground across the UK.
  • Liberal Democrats: Experienced a resurgence, particularly in urban and suburban areas.
  • Reform UK: Emerged as a notable force, securing seats for the first time.
  • SNP: Lost significant influence, with Labour reclaiming its dominance in Scotland.

Venezuela :-

In the Venezuelan presidential election held on July 28, 2024, the results were marked by significant controversy and were officially declared by the National Electoral Council (CNE).

  • According to the CNE, Nicolás Maduro of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) was re-elected with 51.2% of the vote share, securing a majority that allows him to continue as President for the 2025-2031 term.
  • The opposition candidate, Edmundo González Urrutia of the Unitarian Democratic Platform (PUD), disputed these results, claiming to have received 67% of the votes based on parallel counts conducted by opposition observers.
  • However, the Venezuelan Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) validated the CNE's official results, dismissing the opposition's claims.
  • Regarding the legislative outcome, the PSUV also secured a significant majority of the seats in the National Assembly, further consolidating its control over the country's political institutions.
  • However, specific details on the exact number of seats won by each party were not fully disclosed in the official reports.

Summary :- This election has been widely criticized by international observers, including organizations like the European Union and the United Nations, due to concerns over electoral fairness and transparency.

Rwanda :-

The Rwandan Presidential and Chamber of Deputies elections were held on July 15, 2024. Here are the results.

Presidential Election :

  • Paul Kagame (Rwandan Patriotic Front - RPF): 99.18% of the vote (8,822,794 votes)
  • Frank Habineza (Democratic Green Party of Rwanda): 0.50% (44,479 votes)
  • Philippe Mpayimana (Independent): 0.32% (28,466 votes).

Chamber of Deputies Election :

  • RPF Coalition: 68.83% of the vote, winning 37 seats.
  • Liberal Party: 8.66%, 5 seats.
  • Social Democratic Party: 8.62%, 5 seats.
  • Other smaller parties and independents: The remaining seats.

Summary :- Overall, the elections reaffirmed Kagame's dominance in Rwandan politics, with his party securing the majority of seats in the Chamber of Deputies as well.

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